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Fender Super amps were only produced between 1960-63, with this one from late 1963.


It is equipped with 2 x 10 inch speakers and delivers a smooth sound at low volume which can become a blues beast if you push it to its limits.


The Brownface Super has a unique harmonic tremolo circuit that sounds absolutely fantastic. Same tremolo as the one you find on Concert and Bandmaster (combo version).


This one is very very special as it is all original and rare export 117/220v version. It has a 117/220v internal switch which predates the red external switch that you sometimes see on blackface export amps.


Also it is a late 1963 (just before blackface models appears on the market) which is the reason why it has a blackface logo instead of the usual flat logo that you can see on brownface amps. With serial number 59303 it is one of the last one to be produced.



Rare to find in Europe, this one has just been serviced (capacitors, and few original tubes changed but still working and available)


Transformers date : 606337 (power transformer), 606322 (choke), 606340 (output transformer)

Power : 30w

Speakers : Original Oxford dated 465320 (week 20 of 1963). reconed by hardly noticable

Tube chart : MK (november1963)

Serial : 59303

Voltage : 117/220v export version

1963 Fender Super

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